Refresh Standard Components from Lightning Web Component : sanketthoughts

Refresh Standard Components from Lightning Web Component
by: sanketthoughts
blow post content copied from  Salesforce Diaries
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Lightning web Component does not have an equivalent functionality as Aura Components to refresh standard components on the Lightning page. Aura Components uses force:refreshView event reloads data for standard components. Lightning Web Component lacks this kind of feature. As a workaround, We need to borrow help from Aura component while working with Lightning Web Component in scenarios where you need standard component on the lightning record page to reflect the latest changes.

Use Case – force:refreshView in LWC

Business wants a button to link file to the record which is generated using apex method called onclick. The notes and attachment related list needs to reflect the file immediately once button is clicked.

Solutionforce:refreshView in LWC

We are going to create two components – Lightning Web Component and Aura Component. Aura Component calls Lightning Web Component inside it and listen to event fired from Lightning Web Component and refresh the standard component on the lightning page. Components name are:-

  • fileCreationUsingApex (LWC)
  • standardComponentRefresher (LWC)


The html file of the Lightning web component has a button which fires the apex method.

    <lightning-card title="Refresh Standard Component" icon-name="custom:custom19">
        <div class="slds-m-around_medium">
            <lightning-button label="Link File" onclick={handleClick}></lightning-button>


The JavaScript file of the component has the public property recordId decorated with @api decorator to fetch the current record id and has handleClick method bind with button on html file which invoke the apex method. Once method executes successfully, it fires an custom event to communicate with parent Aura Component.

import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';
import linkExistingFile from '@salesforce/apex/fileCreationController.linkExistingFile';
export default class FileCreationUsingApex extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;
    handleClick() {
        linkExistingFile({ parentId: this.recordId }).then(result => {
            // Creates the event with the contact ID data.
            const selectedEvent = new CustomEvent('linked', { detail: this.recordId });
            // Dispatches the event.
        }).catch(error => {


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">

Now, The lightning Web Component is ready, Let’s see the Aura Component.


The Aura Component embed Lightning Web Component inside it. It passes the current record id to the child Lightning Web Component and has the event handler defined.

<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,force:hasRecordId" access="global">
    <c:fileCreationUsingApex onlinked="{!c.refresh}" recordId="{!v.recordId}" />


    refresh: function (component, event, helper) {

We also have an Apex controller named fileCreationController and have method to insert file and link file to the record.


public with sharing class fileCreationController {
    public static void linkExistingFile(String parentId) {
        ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion(
            PathOnClient ='SampleTitle.jpg',
            VersionData = Blob.valueOf('Unit Test ContentVersion Body to be insert in test class for testing the'), 
            FirstPublishLocationId = parentId
        insert cv;

Demo – Refresh Standard Component from LWC

Once you have deployed all the components and apex class into your org, go to desired lightning record page and edit the page with Lightning App Builder to place your component on the page. You should place Aura Component on the lightning page.

The post Refresh Standard Components from Lightning Web Component appeared first on Salesforce Diaries.

January 31, 2021 at 08:23PM
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