Spring ’21 Salesforce Experience (Community) Highlights : jenwlee

Spring ’21 Salesforce Experience (Community) Highlights
by: jenwlee
blow post content copied from  Jenwlee's Salesforce Blog
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The list of Spring ’21 features below apply to Salesforce Experience (Community) enhancements.

There are additional Spring ’21 features available to Salesforce Classic only, Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience only, Mobile Enhancements, Other Enhancements in the Spring ’21 Release Highlights post.

Note: These features are not listed in any specific order.

1.Introducing Experience Cloud. Here are some terminology updates…

There are changes in Setup too. You can find the previously known communities under Digital Experiences | All Sites.


2. Guest Users – View All, Modify All, Edit and Delete Permissions removed. Guest users can only read and create records. Guest users are removed from any permission sets or permission set groups with those permissions. To remediate this, you will need to clone the original permission set with the permissions allowed and assign this new perm set to the guest user.

3. Obsolete permissions are removed from Guest user profiles.

4. Users of Standard External Profiles can not longer access Experience Cloud sites. To remediate this, clone the standard external profile and grant them the needed object permissions.

5. The Related List – Single component is now mobile responsive.

6. Determine what type of cookies you allow on your site. Under Security & Privacy in Experience Builder, enable Allow only required cookies for this site if you only want required cookies. Otherwise, your site will allow all cookies.

7. Admins can now merge customer-enabled person accounts to reduce duplicates.

8. ExperienceBundle is now enabled by default for Build Your Own (LWR) sites. Note: This template is available in Developer Edition or when you buy Salesforce CMS.

9. (Pilot) Maintain your own customizable Site Not Available page when you use the Build Your Own (LWR) template. Note: This template is available in Developer Edition or when you buy Salesforce CMS.

10. (Experience Builder sites with Salesforce CMS) Add Salesforce CMS content to custom LWC by specifying type=”ContentReference” for the component property type in the .js-meta.xml file.

11. (Beta) Communicate between aura and LWC in Experience Builder site pages with Lightning Message Service.

12. Navigate to CMS content pages in an Experience Builder site using PageReference in Lightning components.

13. Add multiple files via mobile to records using the Add Files button on the Files Related list.

14. The BCC information is now hidden from Salesforce Experience users, unless they have at least read permission, or they sent the original email.

January 04, 2021 at 06:30PM
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