Salesforce Summer ’21 Release Notes : jayakrishnasfdc

Salesforce Summer ’21 Release Notes
by: jayakrishnasfdc
blow post content copied from  Jayakrishna Ganjikunta
click here to view original post

Salesforce has Published Summer 21′ Release Notes, Through this blog post I am sharing some of the key details about the release and the Very Useful features in this release which I reviewed..

Summer ’21 Release Logo

Release Overview & Key Dates:

  • April 15 – Pre-release org
  • April 20 – Preview release notes
  • May 6 – Sandbox cut-off
  • May 7/8 – Sandbox preview starts
  • May 7 – Release site/Trailhead module
  • May 11 – Release overview deck (ROD) and Feature matrix
  • May 14 – R0 release (the first release weekend)
  • May 21-28 – Release readiness live (RRL)
  • June 4 – R1 release (the second release weekend)
  • June 11/12 – R2 release (the third and final release weekend)

Customers can find the planned upgrade date for their environments by visiting, searching for the POD on which your Salesforce instance resides (e.g. NA138), and clicking on the “Maintenance” subtab. 

Information on identifying your POD can be found here:

To get to know about release, have a look at Trailhead.

Sign up for a Summer ’21 pre-release org and get access to new features weeks in advance of the actual release. With a pre-release org, you can build and develop with the latest Developer edition features without worrying about affecting your real-world data or workflow.

Pre Release Org

Sign up for the Summer ’21 pre-release org here.

Find Release Notes from Here….. Summer 21 Release Notes

Preview Sandbox List

Find your sandbox instance 
Refresh to a preview instance and try Summer ’21 in your sandbox Refresh to a non-preview instance and stay on Spring ’21
CS2, CS4, CS5, CS7, CS9, CS11, CS14, CS15, CS17, CS19, CS20, CS21, CS23, CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, CS31, CS32, CS34, CS35, CS36, CS37, CS41, CS42, CS44, CS45, CS47, CS53, CS57, CS59, CS61, CS63, CS67, CS69, CS72, CS74, CS75, CS76, CS77, CS78, CS79, CS80, CS81, CS84, CS87, CS88, CS91, CS95, CS96, CS97, CS99, CS105, CS106, CS107, CS108, CS109, CS111, CS112, CS113, CS116, CS122, CS123, CS124, CS125, CS126, CS127, CS128, CS129, CS133, CS137, CS138, CS142, CS152, CS159, CS160, CS166, CS167, CS169, CS172, CS174, CS189, CS190, CS191, CS192, CS193, CS194, CS195, CS196, CS197, CS198, CS199, CS201, CS203, AUS2S, IND3S, USA3S No action needed. Your sandbox is already on a preview instance and gets upgraded to Summer ’21 on May 7, 2021. If you must refresh your sandbox for other reasons, do so well in advance of 6:00 PM PT on May 6, 2021 (01:00 UTC on May 7, 2021) to make sure that your sandbox is completed before the cutoff date.If you refresh your sandbox after the deadline or your sandbox isn’t completed in time, it is built on a non-preview instance. Refresh to a non-preview instance after the cutoff date to have a sandbox on Spring ’21.

To do so, wait to refresh after 6:00 PM PT on May 6, 2021 (01:00 UTC on May 7, 2021). If you refresh your sandbox sooner, it can be built on a Preview Instance.Refreshing a sandbox deletes it and recreates it as a new copy of production. Be sure to save any configurations or data unique to the sandbox elsewhere before refreshing it.
CS1, CS6, CS8, CS10, CS16, CS18, CS22, CS24, CS29, CS33, CS40, CS43, CS50, CS58, CS60, CS62, CS64, CS65, CS66, CS68, CS73, CS86, CS89, CS90, CS92, CS94, CS98, CS100, CS101, CS102, CS110, CS114, CS115, CS117, CS119, CS121, CS132, CS148, CS151, CS162, CS165, CS171, CS173, CS200, CS202, AUS4S, IND2S, USA2S Your sandbox is on a non-preview instance.  Refresh it between now and 6:00 PM PT on May 6, 2021 (01:00 UTC on May 7, 2021) to try out Summer ’21. If you refresh your sandbox after the deadline or your Sandbox isn’t completed in time, it is built on a non-preview instance. No action is needed because your sandbox is on a non-preview instance and stays on Spring ’21.

If you must refresh your sandbox for other reasons, wait to refresh it after 6:00 PM PT on May 6, 2021 (01:00 UTC on May 7, 2021) to remain on a non-preview instance.

Check your sandbox from here..

Important Release Notes

I consolidated All reviewed Notes/features into below categorization

  1. General Salesforce Functionalities
  2. Admin/Configuration
  3. Development
  4. Lightning Flows
  5. Sales
  6. Security and Access
  7. CPQ & Billing
  8. Enforced Updates
  9. Features Expired/Deprecated

General Salesforce Functionalities

  1. Download a Dashboard Image to a File

Now we can download the dashboard to a PNG file. Previously, you could only obtain a dashboard image by using a screen capture app. These changes apply to Lightning Experience only.
From the dashboard, click  | Download. The dashboard is saved to your selected location in PNG format.

Dashboard example, showing location of Download option

2. See Record Access Reasons in Lightning Experience

Now you can see why a user has the access they do, right from Record Sharing Hierarchy in Lightning Experience. Previously, you switched to Salesforce Classic to see this information. Sharing Hierarchy is now available on the action menu, not just in the Share window.

Select Sharing Hierarchy from the action menu on the record. Click View next to a user’s name. You see the record access the user has, and the reason for the access in the displayed table.

The Sharing Hierarchy Why page showing rhe user's reasons for record access

3. Track Your Active Licenses

Use the new Active Licenses tab in the Lighting Usage App to monitor your active, assigned, and available licenses. You can track data for user licenses, permission set licenses, and feature licenses. License metrics help you quickly determine if you need more licenses, or if users are assigned licenses they no longer need.

To access the Lightning Usage app, click 

enter Lightning Usage, and click Lightning Usage. In the left side pane under USAGE, click Active Licenses. The Active Licenses page displays the most recent usage data from the last 30 days. That is, if the most recent usage for a license was from three days ago, the chart displays data for that day. The User Licenses by Profile chart shows the number of assigned and active user licenses by user profile. Select a user license from the picklist on the upper right to see data for profiles associated with that license. The Permission Set Licenses and Feature Licenses charts show data for active, assigned, and unassigned licenses.

Active Licenses tab with User Licenses by Profile chart and license picklist

Admin or Configuration

4. Install More Custom Fields

The total hard limit for custom fields per object has been increased to 900, so now you can allocate more fields to the different use cases that you support.

Earlier The custom field limit can’t exceed 900, so if you’re approaching the limit, we recommend that you hard delete or erase custom fields that you no longer need.The new 900 field hard limit applies only to these objects.

  • Account
  • AccountContactRelation
  • Asset
  • Campaign
  • CampaignMember
  • Case
  • Contact
  • Custom Object
  • Individual
  • KnowledgeArticleVersion
  • Lead
  • Opportunity
  • OpportunityLineItem
  • Order
  • OrderItems (Order Product)
  • Product2 (Products)
  • Solution
  • Users
  • UserRole (Role)

5. Protect Picklist Performance

New picklist options are available to help you protect the health of your Salesforce org. Inactive picklist values can be intentionally created for future use. But in some cases, numerous inactive picklist fields can cause performance issues.

Two new settings on the Picklist Settings page give you control over inactive values for unrestricted picklists.

  • A limit of 4,000 on inactive values for unrestricted picklists is set by default. Removing the limit with the Remove upper bound on inactive picklist values setting is recommended only for troubleshooting, such as when errors occur during data creation or metadata deployment. This option applies to custom and standard picklists. The 4,000 limit doesn’t apply to restricted picklist and global picklist value sets. Global picklist value sets have a combined active and inactive limit of 1,000.
  • The Establish upper bound on existing picklists setting runs a query on picklists to find inactive values that satisfy the limit criteria and enforce the limit for those picklists. This option applies the upper bound limit only to standard picklists.
Picklist Settings page
Picklist Details page

6. Create a Dynamic Actions Bar for Your App Page (Pilot)

Access all your most important actions in one convenient bar. Easily add, drag, and configure the Dynamic Actions Bar component on your app page with the Lightning App Builder. Customize your bar with standard and custom global actions.

Lightning App Builder with a Dynamic Actions Bar properties pane

In the Lightning App Builder, drag the Dynamic Actions Bar component (1) to add it to a region on your page (2). The order of actions in the properties pane (3) determines their order in the Dynamic Actions Bar. Click Add Action (4) to add actions to the Dynamic Actions Bar. Click Add Filter (5) to set visibility filters for the Dynamic Actions Bar component. Save your work.

If the page isn’t already active, click Activation and select an activation option for the page.


7. Apex Object Names Can Now Be Up To 255 Characters Long

Apex object names now support a maximum of 255 characters, up from 40 characters. This support depends on specifications featuring complex operations, and data structures with lengthy properties or elements. Previously, Apex object names could only be as long as 40 characters.

8. Create Quick Actions with Lightning Web Components

To save your users time and clicks, create a quick action that invokes a Lightning web component. On a record page, create a screen action that shows the component in a window, or create a headless action that executes with a click.

To set up a Lightning web component as a quick action on a record page, define the metadata in <component>.js-meta.xml. Define a lightning__RecordAction target and specify actionType as ScreenAction for a screen action that opens in a window or Action for a headless action that executes when clicked. Here’s the configuration for a headless action.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">
   <targetConfig targets="lightning__RecordAction">
import { LightningElement, api } from "lwc";
declare default class HeadlessSimple extends LightningElement {
  @api invoke() {
    console.log("Hi, I'm an action.");

9. Monitor Lightning Component Changes in the Setup Audit Trail

Now we can Use the audit trail to track when your users create, change, or delete a custom Lightning component. Audit history is especially useful when multiple developers work on components.
To view the audit history, from Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter View Setup Audit Trail, then select View Setup Audit Trail.

Lightning Flows

10. Build Multicolumn Screens in Flow Builder

The Section component is now supported in flows that get launched from Einstein Next Best Action and Actions & Recommendations components. Labels for components in sections are now supported in Translation Workbench.
In Flow Builder, use the Section component to easily arrange screen components into multiple columns. In this sample screen, a section contains three columns of equal width.

Edit Screen window in Flow Builder, showing a Section component

11. Use Is Changed in Condition Logic for Start Elements and Decision Elements

the new Is Changed operator in your condition logic for Start elements and Decision elements in record-triggered flows. With the Is Changed operator, you can define conditions that check whether certain field values on the record changed in the current transaction.

In Start elements, the Is Changed operator is available for flows that are triggered when a record is updated. The Is Changed operator isn’t available for flows that are triggered when a record is created or deleted. When you edit the Start element and configure the trigger, select the A record is updated or the A record is created or updated option for when the flow is triggered, and select the After the record is saved option for when the flow runs.

12. Use ISCHANGED, ISNEW, and PRIORVALUE in Record-Triggered Flow Formulas

Record Triggered Flows now support the ISCHANGED, ISNEW, and PRIORVALUE formula functions. When copying formulas containing ISCHANGED and PRIORVALUE into record-triggered flows, use the $Record global variable instead of the object. For example, to use ISCHANGED(account.x) in a record-triggered flow formula, change it to ISCHANGED($Record.x). The ISNEW formula function requires no changes because it has no parameters.

13. Control Picklist Requiredness More Accurately

For all picklist components, you can now enforce picklists as required for your screen flows. With API version 52.0 and later, you can also set up optional picklists in screen flows.
The –None– picklist option shows up in the list of options and is automatically prepended in picklists, so that Flow Builder accurately evaluates the picklist requiredness with the appropriate picklist value. Selecting the –None– picklist option is equivalent to not selecting any options, and this option is treated as null.

The flow admin sets up the picklist screen component with the new Required checkbox and the None picklist option value.

14. Set a Default Value for Any Screen Component That Displays Choices

Now you can set a default value using any flow resource. Use a record query, an action, or another component. Or manually select a specific picklist value when you use a picklist choice set. Previously, you could only select a choice resource for the default value.

The default value is automatically selected in the resulting list of choices

At runtime, a choice is preselected if its value matches the component’s default value. When the default value is a flow reference, we resolve that reference before matching. When you save and run the flow, the default value is preselected in the resulting list of choices.

For choice components that let the user select a single option (Picklists and Radio Buttons), Salesforce preselects the first choice that matches:

Radio buttons with one choice selected

For choice components that let the user select multiple options (Multi-Select Picklists and Checkbox Groups), we preselect every choice that matches:

A checkbox group with two preselected choices

And because it makes more sense to set the default value after you’ve added the possible options, we moved the Default Value field from below the Data Type field to below the choice options. To set a default value, add at least one choice.

The Default Value Field on the Edit Screen

When configuring choices for a screen component, add choice resources. For the Default Value field, specify a picklist value or another flow resource (a variable, a field on a record variable, a manually entered value, and so on). When you save and run the flow, the default value determines which options are preselected.

The preselected choice option in a list of options in a screen flow

15. Sort and Limit Data in a Collection

Now you can use the Collection Sort element to prioritize and limit your collected data. You can also limit the remaining items in the collection variable after the sort. For example, you can sort a collection of user-chosen products by preference and pricing. You can also reduce a record collection variable to only the top 100 priority accounts, ensuring that the flow doesn’t hit the element limit when that collection variable is processed by a large loop. Previously, it wasn’t possible to reorder the values. It also was difficult to separate a collection variable’s highest or lowest values and to avoid hitting flow limits when looping through a large collection.

Drag a Collection Sort element onto the canvas. Or, if you’re in auto-layout, click Add Element node and select Collection Sort.

Editing a Collection Sort element, with the Sort By field highlighted.

Select a collection variable (1). If it’s a record collection variable or an Apex-defined collection variable, enter the field to sort the collection in Sort By (2). Click Add Sort Option (3) to add up to two additional sorting fields. If the collection variable contains a single list of values, Flow Builder automatically sets and hides the Sort By field.

All text-based fields including picklists are sorted alphabetically. Boolean fields are sorted as False first if Sort Order is set to Ascending, or sorted as True first if it’s set to Descending.

Editing a Collection Sort element, highlighting the option to Set the maximum number of items

To reduce the number of items in the collection, select Set the maximum number of items (1) and enter the maximum number of items in the field that appears (2).

16.Directly Update Fields in Record-Triggered Flows

With a new option in the Update Records element for record-triggered flows, you can directly update the record that triggered the flow. Previously you set filter criteria for the triggering record with a Decision element, but now you can use the Update Records element. The Update Records element only displays fields you can update, and the new option is available in all record-triggered and schedule-triggered flows. 

Add an Update Records element to your record-triggered flow. While all three options for How to Find Records to Update and Set Their Values are displayed, only the first option is selectable for before-save record-triggered flows. In this example, we’re setting up a before-save record-triggered flow for accounts.

New Update Records screen that shows the new Use the account record that triggered the flow option.

When using the first option, you can only update fields on the record that triggered the flow. To update fields on related records in after-save record-triggered flows, select one of the other options.

17. Preview More Flow Screen Components

Now you can preview many more standard components on the canvas when you’re building a screen in Flow Builder. Get immediate feedback about how your configuration affects a component. Easily decide whether the component you selected is the right one. Previously, more than half of the standard screen components available in Flow Builder used a placeholder in the canvas rather than a preview.

Screen components represened by only placeholders
Screen components represented by actual previews

Because the flow isn’t running when you build a screen, Salesforce can’t resolve references. So if an attribute value contains a reference such as {!myVar} instead of a manually entered value, we can’t pass that value to the previewed component. And if a required attribute for a component is set to a reference, Salesforce doesn’t preview the component.

18. Debug Flows After Pause Elements in Flow Builder

you can continue to debug a flow even after a Pause element is executed. If the pause conditions are met, you can choose a pause configuration that resumes the flow. Only pause configurations that run at a specific time is supported

Debug the flow and select Debug pause element behavior.

Debug flow window

Choose a pause configuration and continue debugging the flow.

Debug details for choosing a pause configuration

If pause conditions aren’t met for pause configurations that run at a specific time and the flow has no default path to take, the flow doesn’t resume.

19. Debug a Flow to See When Transactions Are Committed

Schedule-triggered flows and autolaunched flows that have no triggers can now show debug details for transactions that are committed or that are rolled back due to an error. If a flow fails, you can debug the flow to see whether record changes were permanently saved to the database via committed transactions before the failure.

Debug details for Transaction Committed

The debug details don’t show committed transactions for these actions even if a transaction was committed.

  • archiveKnowledgeArticles
  • cancelOrderItemSummariesPreview
  • cancelOrderItemSummariesSubmit
  • contentWorkspaceEnableFolders
  • createFulfillmentOrder
  • createInvoiceFromFulfillmentOrder
  • createServiceReport
  • getEligibleProgramRebateTypes
  • massUpdateAccountForecast
  • massUpdateSalesAgreement
  • print
  • publishKnowledgeArticles
  • recalculateForecast
  • refreshActualsCalculation
  • submitDigitalFormResponse

How: Debug a flow in Flow Builder, and then from Debug Details, click Basic Debug Log. Select Show Governor Limit Consumption or Show Transaction Boundaries or both.

Basic Debug Log options

We moved the Show query limits in debug details check box from the Debug flow window to the debug details, so you can choose the details as you view them.

Debug details that show governor limits for a Get Records element

20. Find Failed Flows Faster

In Setup, Paused Flow Interviews changed to Paused and Failed Flow Interviews. The Setup page now includes list views for flow interviews that are paused or have failed. The list views include more list view controls such as Sharing Settings and Select Fields to Display.

From Setup, enter flow in Quick Find box, and then select Paused and Failed Flow Interviews. The default list view is Paused Flow Interviews.

To open the flow interview in Flow Builder, click the interview label.

All Failed Flow Interviews list view


21. Save Time with Mass Actions in Split View

No need to open a separate list page—act on multiple records at once, now in split view. Select items in the split view list and apply an action to all of them in standard or console view.

A split view automatically has checkboxes if there’s a quick action available for all the items in the list, and you can apply a quick action to the selected records in the actions dropdown menu. The items automatically deselect after you apply the action. Mass actions in split view follow the same logic as mass actions in table view. Inline edit isn’t supported in split view, so you see checkboxes only if the object has mass actions available.

A mass quick action in split view

22. Drive Sales Team Accountability with Pipeline Inspection

Pipeline Inspection gives sales teams a single view of their pipelines with key metrics, opportunities, and weekly changes in close dates, amounts, stages, and forecast categories. With these insights, sales teams can focus on the most important opportunities, and sales managers can spend more time coaching reps to close more deals.

From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Pipeline Inspection, and then select Pipeline Inspection Setup. Turn on Pipeline Inspection and verify that you have Historical Trending enabled and configured for opportunities. Add the Pipeline Inspection button and assign the Pipeline Inspection permission set to the users who you want to have access to Pipeline Inspection.

When enabled, users access Pipeline Inspection from the Opportunities tab.

Pipeline Inspection page screen shot

23. See Event Organizer Names on Attendee Events

When an attendee views their event details, they can see the organizer’s name. Sales reps can contact or follow up with their event organizer.
If you already have the attendee field added to your event layout, no setup is required. Otherwise, from Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Object, and then click Object Manager. Select the Event object, and navigate to the event layout page. Add the Attendees field and save your changes. On the event details page, the Attendees field shows the event organizer.

The event detail page showing a list of attendees, where one attendee is marked as the organizer

24. Monthly Events Automatically Start on Today’s Date

This feature is available automatically if recurring events are enabled in Lightning Experience. If the current date is March 26, or you click to create an event on March 26 and then select a monthly frequency, the Day field automatically populates the day 26.

The new event page shows a monthly frequency selected and the Day field is populated with the calendar date selected.

25. Add Components to Optimize the Meeting Digest

To make using the Meeting Digest more flexible, the new Salesforce Meetings event record page layout includes a column where you can add other components. If Salesforce Meetings is enabled and you don’t customize the event record page, it uses the new default page. Use Lightning App Builder to add other standard and custom components that your reps use when viewing the event record

Using Lightning App Builder, create a record page for the Event object and clone the Event Page Default for Salesforce Meetings page.

Create a new Lightning Page with the Event Page Default for Salesforce Meetings highlighted

The page includes the Meeting Digest component in the widest area (1) and a related list that shows event record attachments in the smaller area (2). Add standard and custom components (3) above or below the Meeting Digest or in the column next to it.

Salesforce Meetings default event page layout in Lightning App Builder

26. Report on Engagement for Leads, Contacts, Users, and Sales Cadences

New custom report types and sample reports let sales managers see who engages with emails and calls and when they engage with them. Daily and monthly reports show engagement data for leads, contacts, and users. A monthly report shows engagement for sales cadences.

The daily and monthly reports for leads, contacts, and users show sales managers detailed engagement activity for emails and calls.

The Leads with Monthly Engagements Report

The Sales Cadence Steps with Monthly Metrics report shows engagement details per sales cadence, step, email template, and call script.

The Sales Cadence Steps with Monthly Metrics Report

Security & Access

27. Set Expirations for Assignments on Permissions in Permission Sets and Permission Set Groups (Beta)

When assigning users to a permission set or permission set group, select expiration dates that you specify. Control when a user’s permissions expire based on your business requirements.

You can set an expiration date for a permission set or permission set group using the API.

To use the user interface with assignment expiration options for permission set groups, enable Permission Set Group Assignments with Expiration Dates (Beta) in User Management Settings. Then, when you assign users to a permission set group, select the expiration options that you want. You can also select no expiration date as an option.

The pane for setting an assignment expiration for a permission set group.

28. Redirect Expired Tabs to a Custom Logout URL

For Salesforce sessions, you can now redirect all expired tabs in your browser to a custom logout URL. Previously, the redirect URL wasn’t applied to all expired tabs. Instead, only one tab was being redirected correctly, and the other tabs were redirected to

Enable My Domain, and then enable Store the redirect logout URL in your local browser on the Session Settings page.

Store the redirect logout URL in your local browser setting on the Session Settings page

29. Require Password Changes for Email Address Updates

You can now require a user to change passwords before an admin-initiated email address update is approved. To quickly update your users’ email addresses, you can change email addresses without requiring a password reset. But, for better security, you can require users to change their passwords before email address updates are approved.

When you change a user’s email address and the Generate new password and notify user immediately setting is disabled, Salesforce sends a verification message to the user’s new email address. The new email address becomes active as soon as the user clicks the verification link. This change applies only to admin-initiated email address updates. If a user changes their own email address, they still enter a verification code sent to their old address before the new address becomes active.

You can find the setting on the Users page in Setup.

The Generate new password and notify user immediately setting on the Users page in Setup

CPQ & Billing

30. Strengthen CPQ Access Requirements by Updating Permission Sets and a Setting

Assign new permission sets to standard and customer users and then enable a new CPQ package setting. The setting limits access to data controlled by the permission sets to users whom they’re assigned to. These changes don’t affect other access checks. To ensure that your users get timely CPQ permissions updates, don’t clone the permission sets.

Assign one of these permission sets to users as appropriate: Salesforce CPQ User Access or Salesforce CPQ Customer User Access. After assigning permission sets to users, from Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Installed Packages, and then click Installed Packages. Click Configure. In the Additional Settings tab, enable the setting Perform Enhanced Data Access Checks.

31. Enable Browser Performance Improvements for Salesforce CPQ (Update)

This update allows Salesforce CPQ to take advantage of technology improvements in supported web browsers.

From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Installed, and then click Installed Packages. Next to the Salesforce CPQ package, click Configure. In the Additional Settings tab, select Improve Browser Performance.

Enforced Updates

32. Securely Access Aura Components (Update)

This update ensures that an external component with access=”public” is accessible only to other components within its same namespace or to internal Salesforce components. This update is enforced in Winter ’22.

Fixing this issue can reveal other issues that were previously undetected. For example, before this update, a callback that wasn’t wrapped in $A.getCallback() could lose its context but still run successfully. After this update, if a callback loses its context, the access check fails with an error. We recommend performing these testing steps in a sandbox environment to evaluate the release update’s impact and fix any component access errors before it’s auto-enabled in Winter ’22.

  1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Release Updates, then select Release Updates.
  2. For Enable Aura Component Access Fix, enable the release update test run.
  3. Test pages with custom components and watch for any error messages such as Access Check Failed! in the console log.
  4. Fix any broken components.
  5. When manual testing is complete, disable the release update test run and transfer the code changes to production.
  6. In production, enable the release update or wait for it to auto-enable in Winter ’22.

33. The original Territory Management module Retirement

The original Territory Management module will be retired in the Summer ’21 release*. At Salesforce, customer success is our top priority, and as such, we recommend that customers still using the original Territory Management module migrate their users to Enterprise Territory Management.

*Currently targeted for June 2021; date subject to change

Expired /Deprecated

34. Aura Components in the ui Namespace Are Deprecated

Retiring our legacy components enables us to focus on components that match the latest web standards in performance, accessibility, user experience, and internationalization. Migrate to Lightning Web Components (LWC) whenever possible. Replace the deprecated components with their counterparts in the lightning namespace. These components are faster, more efficient, and they implement Lightning Design System styling out-of-the-box.

to check deprecated Aura components check below

35. Deprecation and End Of Support for Platform API Legacy Versions

As of this release, legacy versions 20.0 and earlier of the Salesforce Platform API are deprecated and are no longer supported by Salesforce.

Where: This change affects the following API versions:
SOAP API7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.1, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 20.0
Bulk API16.0, 17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 20.0



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April 20, 2021 at 02:19PM
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