Ways to increase performance of lightning page : Isthiyaq Ahamed
by: Isthiyaq Ahamed
blow post content copied from Apex Hours
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What Makes the lightning record page load slow?
It depends on many factors like network, device, browser, or org configuration issues.The most important factors in predicting page load times are Octane 2.0 score, network latency, download speed, and the amount of customization on a given page.
How to measure the lightning record page performance?
Experienced Page Time (EPT) is a performance metric Salesforce uses in Lightning to measure page load time. EPT measures how long it takes for a page to load into a state that a user can meaningfully interact with.
A major difference between Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience is that pages load progressively in Lightning, while pages in Classic are generated on request by the server. Because of the progressive loading from the client, any loaded component in the page can load more components at any time. Measuring when a page finishes loading in Lightning isn’t straightforward. Many factors can influence the EPT value.
How to increase the Lightning Record page performance?
- Place the Details component in a secondary tab (not the default tab)
- Reduce the number of fields displayed in the details component; if using custom objects consider using Dynamic Forms
- Break up the page using tabs; only the default tab is loaded initially and additional tabs are rendered when selected
- If your page has many related lists, consider placing the Related List component in a secondary tab (not the default tab)
- Improve mobile performance by reducing the number of visible components to 8 or fewer; components can be hidden from the mobile from the Lightning App Builder
- Use component visibility to only display components relevant to each user
- Remove any duplicate components
- Move non-essential components such as News and Twitter into separate tabs
- Reducing the number of related lists to 3 per tab will improve performance
- If both Details and Related Lists render slowly, consider creating an initial default tab with 1 or 2 important Related List – Single components or Quick Links
How to track the Lightning Record page performance?
- Lightning Usage App
The Lightning Usage App is a way to track the adoption and usage of Lightning Experience, so you can monitor progress and make informed decisions. With insights like daily active users, the number of users switching to Salesforce Classic per day, and the most visited pages in Lightning Experience, you can better understand your users’ needs and focus on the issues that matter.
The app is available right from Lightning Experience. Simply click the App Launcher icon in the navigation bar, type Usage in the search box, then click Lightning Usage. In the app, you can click tabs in the ACTIVITY or USAGE sections on the left side of the page to view the associated data
In the graph featured below, we are able to see the performance metrics for an example of leveraging the Lightning Usage App. This graph will vary from org to org as it is tailored to you. In this particular org, we can see that there was a spike in Android use in June and that Salesforce Mobile has the least EPT overall.
A view of the Browser Performance tab of the Lightning Usage App
In our next graph, we can quickly view the performance of our most viewed pages. We can see that in this org, Feed Items tend to load really fast, as well as Chatter.
A view of the Page Performance tab of the Lightning Usage App
- Analyze button
The ‘Analyze’ button is available within the Lightning App Builder, for both standard and custom objects, and analyzes the fields, instances of the Related Lists component, and metadata of a record page.
The ‘Analyze’ button will provide a predicted page load time for desktop and a page performance index for mobile, as well as best practices and suggestions for improving page load time for a better end-user experience. From the Winter ’22 release, page analysis will now run automatically, without the need to press the button! If you want to run the analysis manually, you simply click ‘Analyze’.
How to Analyze your Salesforce Lightning Pages
You can open your best or worst Lightning page layout and click on the cog. Then select Edit Page. From there, you’ll reach Lightning App Builder. There you’ll see the Analyze button on the top right corner. Then click Analyze to get instant recommendations. These recommendations can be segmented into two sections: desktop and phone.
Desktop: After conducting the page analysis, you’ll see a predicted page load time. Even if it shows a moderate score, it won’t be too bad. But you should remember that every second counts and the user always expects to get instant results. So you can work on improving the score.
Page analysis also helps to break down the performance by component, so we can identify the components which are causing issues.
Page analysis also helps to analyze based on org-specific Metrics, so we can identify the components which are causing issues.
Phone: The page analysis for the phone (Salesforce mobile app) is more comprehensive. If you observe lower Page Performance, it will mean faster load time and vice-versa. Perform phone page analysis will provide you additional recommendations for improving load time. It will show the number of components that are too high and are affecting the performance. The page analysis also flags a component that can be responsible for causing issues in the performance of the mobile app.
The post Ways to increase performance of lightning page appeared first on Apex Hours.
October 20, 2021 at 06:30PM
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