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Adding New Users to Einstein Configurator | Commerce Cloud
Watch this quick and informative video to learn how to add users to the Einstein Configurator for B2C Commerce. Using B2C Commerce Einstein tools, you can automate personalization-related tasks to enhance customer shopping experiences. Before you can implement Einstein functionalities to your site, it is important that you add users to the Einstein Configurator to grant them access to your sites. If you have questions, tap into the wisdom of our entire Trailblazer Community here: Need additional guidance? Search for live sessions, webinars and more here: #Salesforce #SalesforceSupport #SalesforceHowTo #Demandware #CommerceCloud #Einstein #EinsteinConfigurator #B2CCommerce #CustomerExperience #Personalization #Ecommerce #OnlineShopping #UserAccess #Tutorial #EinsteinTools Salesforce is a customer relationship management solution that brings companies and customers together. It's one integrated CRM platform that gives all your departments — including marketing, sales, commerce, and service — a single, shared view of every customer.

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