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Set the Maximum Depth of Chained Queueable Jobs
Set the Maximum Depth of Chained Queueable Jobs (Generally Available) The Configure Stack Depth of Chained Queueable Jobs feature is now generally available. You can set a maximum stack depth of Queueable jobs, overriding the default limit of five in Developer and Trial Edition orgs. This feature provides a larger safety mechanism to prevent runaway recursive jobs from consuming the daily async Apex limit. Where: This change applies to Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic in Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions. How: Enqueue jobs by using the new System.enqueueJob() overload. The method overload has an optional AsyncOptions parameter to specify the maximum stack depth and the minimum queue delay. You can test chained queueables using appropriate stack depths, but be aware of applicable Apex governor limits. Use these methods in the new System.AsyncInfo class to determine the current and maximum stack depths and to get the minimum queueable delay. getCurrentQueueableStackDepth() getMaximumQueueableStackDepth() getMinimumQueueableDelayInMinutes() hasMaxStackDepth()
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Set the Maximum Depth of Chained Queueable Jobs (Generally Available) The Configure Stack Depth of Chained Queueable Jobs feature is now generally available. You can set a maximum stack depth of Queueable jobs, overriding the default limit of five in Developer and Trial Edition orgs. This feature provides a larger safety mechanism to prevent runaway recursive jobs from consuming the daily async Apex limit. Where: This change applies to Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic in Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions. How: Enqueue jobs by using the new System.enqueueJob() overload. The method overload has an optional AsyncOptions parameter to specify the maximum stack depth and the minimum queue delay. You can test chained queueables using appropriate stack depths, but be aware of applicable Apex governor limits. Use these methods in the new System.AsyncInfo class to determine the current and maximum stack depths and to get the minimum queueable delay. getCurrentQueueableStackDepth() getMaximumQueueableStackDepth() getMinimumQueueableDelayInMinutes() hasMaxStackDepth()
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