New video by Salesforce Ben on YouTube

Ask Me Anything: Salesforce Certified Technical Architects
Join us for an engaging LinkedIn Live event where we explore the world of Certified Technical Architects (CTAs). Whether you're a seasoned CTA, aspiring to become one, or simply curious about what a CTA is, this event is tailored to you. We'll dive into the essence of a CTA, shedding light on the differences in experiences and certification processes. You'll also gain access to valuable tips and insights from experienced professionals to aid your CTA journey. In addition, we'll explore the inspiring story of "Ladies Be Architects," its evolution, and its impact on empowering individuals in the field of architecture. Learn about our scholarship program and discover what qualities make an ideal candidate. Join us and find guidance on your next steps in pursuit of becoming a Certified Technical Architect. Don't miss this informative LinkedIn Live event where we unravel the world of CTAs and celebrate architects' empowerment.

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